Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu

International talent faces

Welco­me to Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu (IH Oulu)!

IH Oulu gat­hers dif­fe­rent gui­dance ser­vices under the same roof. Ser­vices are tar­ge­ted at inter­na­tio­nal newco­mers and immi­grants, and also com­pa­nies plan­ning to rec­ruit inter­na­tio­nal people. We are loca­ted at Busi­ness­A­se­ma.

At our pre­mi­ses you can get help with ques­tions concer­ning wor­king, ent­repre­neurs­hip or stu­dying. You can also ask our advi­sors for advice and gui­dance about eve­ry day life mat­ters. We offer inte­gra­tion ser­vices for tho­se who have asy­lum. Have a look at the Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu web­si­te or come to the House and ask, we will gui­de you forward.

Get in touch

Ser­vice hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Address: Busi­ness­A­se­ma, Hal­li­tus­ka­tu 36 B,
90100 Oulu, Fin­land

Telep­ho­ne: 08 558 558 10

Fol­low us on social media:
Lin­ke­dIn, Ins­ta­gram and Face­book

International House Oulun tiski

Pop-up ser­vices at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu

In addi­tion to our in-house ser­vices, Migri, Poh­de, Vil­la Vic­tor and Star­tup Refu­gees all hold regu­lar pop-ups at Inter­na­tio­nal House. All ser­vices are free of char­ge and the­re is no need to book.

Onli­ne gui­dance for
futu­re Oulu resi­dents

Are you plan­ning to move to Oulu? Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu offers per­so­na­lized reloca­tion gui­dance. Learn more about the ser­vice and book a free onli­ne con­sul­ta­tion here.

For Resi­dents

At Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu, we pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­tion in dif­fe­rent lan­gua­ges about dai­ly living in Oulu, as well as low-thres­hold gui­dance to ser­vices offe­red by various orga­niza­tions. You will be given all the infor­ma­tion that you need, concer­ning for example, ear­ly-sta­ge ser­vices, basic city ser­vices, and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties. By using this ser­vice, you will get the newest infor­ma­tion and gui­dance to the ser­vice you need.

At Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu, the­re is always someo­ne the­re to answer your ques­tions. Our goal is to make eve­ry­one feel welco­me.

Glo­bal Minds in Oulu

Fan­gying “Fan­ni” Li is ori­gi­nal­ly from Chi­na. Cur­rent­ly, Fan­ni works at the IH Oulu. She admi­res Fin­nish work cul­tu­re. “Some­how here, this free­dom brings you more pos­si­bi­li­ties. You can do wha­te­ver you want.”

Watch Fan­ni’s sto­ry

(opens in a new tab)

Eduar­do Acos­ta is from Colom­bia. Over the past two years, he has been able to expe­rience all that Oulu has to offer. “When I came here, I was surpri­sed by how you can find many things here, how well con­nec­ted eve­ryt­hing is.”

More about Eduar­do’s life

(opens in a new tab)

She­fat Islam came from Bah­rain to Oulu and fell in love with the city’s natu­re. What was most impor­tant to her was that her daugh­ter adjus­ted well. She­fat thinks Oulu is a pic­tu­resque and calm place, a postcard city.

Watch She­fat’s inter­view

(opens in a new tab)

Jun Naka­mu­ra deci­ded to move from Japan to Oulu and stu­dy for his master’s degree at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu. He is very impres­sed by Fin­nish sau­na cul­tu­re. “In the sau­na, Finns are more open com­pa­red to other places.”

See Jun’s sto­ry

(opens in a new tab)

Learn more about Oulu

Time to get fami­liar with life in the Oulu Region!

Do you want infor­ma­tion about wor­king in the Oulu Region?

Find use­ful tips to expand your network in the Oulu Region.

Meet our inter­na­tio­nal talent living in Oulu and read their ins­pi­ra­tio­nal sto­ries.

Work in Finland

For Com­pa­nies

We can help your com­pa­ny find inter­na­tio­nal emplo­yees, especial­ly from among people alrea­dy living in the Oulu region. We also orga­nize rec­ruit­ment events and cam­paigns that your com­pa­ny can par­tici­pa­te in. You can par­tici­pa­te and pre­sent your com­pa­ny’s vacancies in our “Job Cor­ner” ser­vice at Busi­ness­A­se­ma whe­re job see­kers and com­pa­nies see­king to rec­ruit new talents meet.

In addi­tion, we orga­nize infor­ma­tion ses­sions and coac­hing for com­pa­nies rela­ted to inter­na­tio­nal rec­ruit­ment and pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion on cur­rent events and ser­vices rela­ted to the topic.

Con­tact per­son:
Sal­la Hir­vo­nen,

Addi­tio­nal ser­vices

If your com­pa­ny needs sup­port or fun­ding for inter­na­tio­nal rec­ruit­ment, the fol­lowing ser­vices are avai­lable:

Free of char­ge advice on topics such as rec­rui­ting inter­na­tio­nal talent, hiring and per­mit proces­ses, or reloca­ting to Fin­land. Ser­vice is avai­lable via pho­ne or email.

Busi­ness Fin­land orga­nizes networ­king events, rec­ruit­ment cam­paigns and fun­ding for the rec­ruit­ment of inter­na­tio­nal talents.

Adver­ti­se English spea­king vacancies on the site.

Con­tains essen­tial infor­ma­tion that should be con­si­de­red in inter­na­tio­nal rec­ruit­ment proces­ses.

Euro­pean coo­pe­ra­tion network of emplo­y­ment ser­vices, desig­ned to faci­li­ta­te the free move­ment of wor­kers. Eures has a regis­ter of over one mil­lion CV’s.

Trai­ning ser­vices

News & Events

Do you want to know more about upco­ming events and acti­vi­ties? We also have a nice col­lec­tion of recent topics from Oulu here (opens in a new tab).

From Slo­va­kia to Fin­land: The Expe­rience of Tomas Sle­sar in Oulu

Tomas Sle­sar, a 37-year-old Slo­va­kian nati­ve, has been living in Oulu for 14 years. Coming from the nort­hern parts of Slo­va­kia, Tomas found him­self grappling with the unfa­mi­lia­ri­ty of Fin­nish sum­mers and how the sun never went down and struggled with slee­ping at first.

What pro­jects and associa­tions rela­ted to immi­grants are avai­lable in the Oulu region?

This web­pa­ge lists pro­jects rela­ted to immi­grants resi­ding in the Oulu region. More infor­ma­tion can be found on each project’s web­si­te.

Strong inte­rest in inter­na­tio­nal way of thin­king – Fin­ger­soft builds inter­na­tio­nal home

Because games are fun, crea­ting them should be enjo­y­able too. This is the ideo­lo­gy behind Fingersoft’s cul­tu­re and way of doing things. Fin­ger­soft is one of the most well-known names in the racing gen­re of mobi­le games.

Check out our ‘Welco­me to Oulu gui­de
for newco­mers’.
Get your copy at IH Oulu.

Subsc­ri­be to Busi­nes­sOu­lu’s
inter­na­tio­nal news­let­ter